Exciting news for Operation Organization, Inc. We were featured on two different websites within a 4 day period. Word is getting out!
On Friday, January 21, 2011 we took the front page of: www.actorsreporter.com where I was interviewed by Ms. Maria Felipe in a story called Organizational Tools for Actors. Even if you are not an actor yourself, you can still get useful tips on how to be prepared for anything when you are on the go, and you can see Ms. Felipe bark like a dog!
Link to interview with Katrina Teeple:
Then, Monday January 24, 2011 I got more great news, (no pun intended) that Operation Organization was featured on the well known website: www.apartmenttherapy.com
Check out O.O.'s mention in Tips for Green Organizing and Cleaning.
Link: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/la/cleaning/being-green-when-organizing-and-cleaning-137506
Follow us on www.twitter.com/oporg